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  • Walking Points (2016)
  • 88 min | Documentary
Walking Points (2016)
88 min | Documentary

Walking Points follows three compelling story lines and illustrates the strong bond between humans and dogs. The aim of the film is to explore this intricate relationship while seeking to answer the following question: can dogs truly ...See moreWalking Points follows three compelling story lines and illustrates the strong bond between humans and dogs. The aim of the film is to explore this intricate relationship while seeking to answer the following question: can dogs truly detect cancer in humans and if so, is early detection the answer that we have been seeking to cure cancer once and for all? We will embark on a journey in which we will learn of cancer detection dogs being trained to detect cancer in the human being by utilizing their keen olfactory senses. It has been stated by John Hopkins University that despite billions of dollars being poured into research for a cure for cancer, no modern technology can detect cancer in humans at an early stage. But dogs can. The same way that military and police dogs are being trained to detect substances such as explosives and illegal drugs, dogs can be trained to find cancer. The military has realized that despite the most expensive and successful technological devices available to the armed forces, they simply cannot compete with the dog's nose. It is only natural that we use this 'detection device' in the medical field as well. Written by Michael Rose See less
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