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The Brain with Dr. David Eagleman

Who Will I Be? (Season 1, Episode 6)
TV Episode | 54 min | Documentary

In "Who Will We Be?" Dr. Eagleman journeys into the future, and asks what's next for the human brain, and for our species. Mother nature has evolved a brain that is able to rewire itself according to its environment, which means that as ...See moreIn "Who Will We Be?" Dr. Eagleman journeys into the future, and asks what's next for the human brain, and for our species. Mother nature has evolved a brain that is able to rewire itself according to its environment, which means that as technological advances continue apace, our technology is on a crash course with our biology. Dr. Eagleman describes ways in which we'll be able to plug new sensory inputs into our brains, to perceive more of physical reality than we currently do. For instance, although we now see in the visible spectrum new technologies could allow us to see in ultra violet or infra-red. Or we could have a totally new sense like the vibratory sense that Dr. Eagleman is himself working on. In addition, modern day "brain-machine interfaces" will one day allow us to enhance our physical bodies. The biggest game changer as a species would be if we discovered a way to upload our brains into digital space. Dr. Eagleman explores what it would take to do so. We would need powerful computers, and a complete map of the brain's connections, as well as the activity that runs on top. But would this simulation be conscious? Neuroscientists may discover that what's important is not what the brain is made of but what it does, and if we can faithfully represent the computations it makes on another non-biological medium, then we may make the move from biological to digital species. See less
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Edit Released
Updated Nov 18, 2015

Release date
Nov 18, 2015 (United States)


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