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  • The Rest Cure (1917)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
The Rest Cure (1917)
Short | Short, Comedy

Pokes is weary, worn and tired and goes to a doctor. The patients in the doctor's office do not add at all to Pokes' joy. The doctor is busy, not with a patient, but a sweetheart. Pokes interrupts, and for this is given a strenuous ...See morePokes is weary, worn and tired and goes to a doctor. The patients in the doctor's office do not add at all to Pokes' joy. The doctor is busy, not with a patient, but a sweetheart. Pokes interrupts, and for this is given a strenuous examination, and after paying the five dollars fee has to console himself with the advice that he needs a complete rest. The first haven of rest tried by Pokes is home, but as usual when one seeks peace and quiet, the world seems in opposition. Wifey is sowing on the machine. Daughter is entertaining the count in the parlor where he is showing his operatic powers. Pokes tries the roof, but a summer shower drives him in. There the din continues, and Pokes rushes from the house. After much wandering he arrives at the Hideaway Inn, kept by Jabs. Here he is certain of finding rest and quiet. Jabs and the bellboy are asleep. Pokes wakes them and finds there are no vacant rooms. As he is about to depart, Jabs tells him he can have a cot in a quiet hallway for the same price as one of his best rooms, and Pokes accepts and is conducted to the hall. He soon falls asleep, but the hotel turns out to be a sanitarium, and the insomnia patients make Pokes' existence a very Hades. Finally, in desperation, he spies a fire escape under which is a sign, "In case of fire grab ball, jump out window and bounce to safety." Pokes grabs the ball and makes the leap and sinks in the ground up to his neck. With a disgusted look at the contrivance he murmurs that he "thought the darn thing wouldn't work," and placing it under his head for a pillow, succeeds in sleeping the rest of the night in comfort on the cold ground. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less

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Edit Released
Updated Jun 30, 1917

Release date
Jun 1917 (United States)


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