Sonny Boy at the Bat's primary photo
  • Sonny Boy at the Bat (1916)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for Sonny Boy at the Bat
Sonny Boy at the Bat (1916)
Short | Short, Comedy

Sonny Boy was the son of two baseball fans, and being a chip of the old block, was the home team's mascot. One evening after seeing a great game, Sonny Boy begs daddy to buy him a baseball suit like the one which Johnny, his playmate, has....See moreSonny Boy was the son of two baseball fans, and being a chip of the old block, was the home team's mascot. One evening after seeing a great game, Sonny Boy begs daddy to buy him a baseball suit like the one which Johnny, his playmate, has. Daddy tells him he is too young. That night while Sonny is being put to bed, he pleads with his mother to intercede. Sonny Boy sobs himself to sleep and this is what he dreams: His pal, John, who has a baseball suit, wins his sweetheart away. She no longer cares for him. He finds a pocketbook filled with money, restores it to the owner, and is rewarded with a two-dollar bill, with which he buys a baseball outfit. While Ruth and his rival are enjoying a lollipop, Sonny Boy appears in his baseball suit, and Ruth and he make up and are happy. Then John, the rival, starts out for revenge by challenging Sonny to a game of ball in which the fellow who makes a home run first wins the girl. John is first at the bat and is struck out by Sonny Boy, the pitcher for his side. To Ruth's delight Sonny Boy bats the second ball over the right fielder's head and easily makes the home run. Ruth is happy as the boys rush in, pick him up and toss him in the air. At that moment we see Toto, Sonny's pet dog, pulling the covers off the bed, while Sonny rolls out, looks around, then smiles as he realizes it was but a dream. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jun 30, 1916

Release date
Jun 1916 (United States)


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