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  • Night Watch (2002)
  • Short | Short, Sci-Fi
Night Watch (2002)
Short | Short, Sci-Fi

Receiving an unidentified coded "Mayday" distressed signal; the S.S. Marguerite alters her course to assist in the rescue of a "man overboard." Upon arrival, with the engines stopped, the boats are lowered, for a lonely woman is found ...See moreReceiving an unidentified coded "Mayday" distressed signal; the S.S. Marguerite alters her course to assist in the rescue of a "man overboard." Upon arrival, with the engines stopped, the boats are lowered, for a lonely woman is found afloat the icy Atlantic. It's incredible, she's alive. But who is she? Where's the ship that sent message? The woman claimed to have fallen of the very ship that now carries her, the Marguerite. Captain Westover, knowing the impossibility due to their original proximity, believes the woman to be delirious but investigates her claim of being the wife of Mr. William Faraday. Checking the ships manifest it's discovered that a Mr. and Mrs. Faraday are indeed on board. In fact, as we peek inside their cabin and are introduced to the couple, Mrs. Faraday is revealed with the exact likeness as the rescued woman, who at that very moment has demanded to be reunited with her husband. As First Officer Crandel heads to the Faraday cabin. Mrs. Faraday leaves to take a stroll on deck while Mr. Faraday tends to his business. First officer Crandel, now at the Cabin door, asks Mr. Faraday for a moment's time. Followed by the First officer, Mr. Faraday is taken to meet the rescued woman. "Bill!" "Marguerite", As Mr. Faraday is introduced to the mystery woman it becomes clear that they know each as husband and wife. As they embrace, Mrs. Faraday, through a porthole window, sees her husband with a mysterious "other" woman. Out of panic and short of breath she runs toward the rail at the exact moment the engine room powers up. The ship Lurches, Mrs. Faraday falls, as the ships forward momentum leaves her behind. Witnessed by a deck hand, First Officer Crandel calls out to the radio room " Send out a mayday, man overboard...." Written by E. Galler See less
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Release date
Nov 15, 2002 (United States)


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