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  • Journey of a Windcatcher
  • Documentary
Journey of a Windcatcher

"JOURNEY" is for people who live their lives knowing they have a purpose and their dreams are part of that purpose - they just have to believe in them. This documentary will go deeper into Sacajawea's life and how Spirit has been a ...See more"JOURNEY" is for people who live their lives knowing they have a purpose and their dreams are part of that purpose - they just have to believe in them. This documentary will go deeper into Sacajawea's life and how Spirit has been a powerful force in the production of the feature film, SACAJAWEA the Windcatcher (formerly Windcatcher: The Story of Sacajawea). It will show how lives have intersected for years along the path, and how the words of the script reveal a Native message - calling us together as One people on this Earth. We will see there is much more to Sacajawea's story than the history - and we will dare to tell it. Written by Jane L. Fitzpatrick See less
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