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Dr. G: Medical Examiner

Deadly Holiday (Season 8, Episode 3)
TV Episode | 42 min | Reality-TV

Dr. G. receives a call from an infectious disease doctor to help determine the cause of death of a 58-year-old male. The man had a sudden headache and later became confused and disoriented. After a trip to the emergency room, he rapidly ...See moreDr. G. receives a call from an infectious disease doctor to help determine the cause of death of a 58-year-old male. The man had a sudden headache and later became confused and disoriented. After a trip to the emergency room, he rapidly declined into a coma and ultimately death without an official diagnosis. Previously, the man went on a hunting trip and was exposed to wild animals, especially bats. Dr. G. suspects rabies resulting from the possibility of inhalation of bat guano. While spending time over New Year's with her son and grandson, a 72-year-old obese female complained of irritation in her throat at dinner telling her family she thinks she had swallowed a fish bone. Later in the evening, she is heard coughing and choking in her sleep. Even though emergency rescue got her to the hospital, she ultimately dies in the emergency room. Written by EMT1994 See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jan 20, 2012

Release date
Jan 20, 2012 (United States)


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