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My Roommate the

Bank Robber (Season 2, Episode 21)
TV Episode | Comedy

Our economy is terrible. And no matter how long we "Occupy" Wall Street, LA, Oakland, etc, the Bad Men will just keep winning. The 1% sit back in their ivory towers untouched and unphased and watch as the other 99% scramble around like ...See moreOur economy is terrible. And no matter how long we "Occupy" Wall Street, LA, Oakland, etc, the Bad Men will just keep winning. The 1% sit back in their ivory towers untouched and unphased and watch as the other 99% scramble around like headless chickens and drag each other down like crabs in a barrel. And why should they be worried? Like aristocratic blood-sucking vampires they have the rich to protect them, as do lycans... or a FOX. So what hope is there for the rest of us? Anarchy always sounds like a viable option, but it's not. Social destruction benefits no one in the long run. But what about a small scale rebellion? A real life Robin Hood stealing from these undeserving mega-rich and sharing with the many desolate poor. A hero who takes from those who do not hesitate to take more then what they could ever need. In these tough economic times, such an Avenging Angel is easily justified. Because after all, "is it really stealing to take back something that's already been stolen"? Written by Lu Louis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Nov 21, 2011

Release date
Nov 21, 2011 (United States)


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