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The Double Life of Henry Phyfe

The Reluctant Lover (Season 1, Episode 5)
TV Episode | 30 min | Comedy

Hanahan wants Henry to make contact with a pair of agents who are married, to get something from them. Problem is that the wife has the hots for U31 and the husband is insecure when he's around. And when he catches them in a compromising ...See moreHanahan wants Henry to make contact with a pair of agents who are married, to get something from them. Problem is that the wife has the hots for U31 and the husband is insecure when he's around. And when he catches them in a compromising position, Henry tries to explain it and asks for the item which he gives to him. Henry brings it to Hanahan who was listening on the whole thing. He plays back what they heard after Henry left and what they heard was that the husband suspects Henry is not U31 so he didn't give him the actual item. They have a date later that evening and he plans to test him and if he fails, he will shoot him. Hanahan tells Henry to try and convince the wife to tell him how he is going to test him and maybe Hanahan can find out what the answer is before he has to answer. Written by See less
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Edit Released
Updated Feb 10, 1966

Release date
Feb 10, 1966 (United States)


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