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  • The Surrender (1913)
  • Short | Short, Comedy, Drama
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The Surrender (1913)
Short | Short, Comedy, Drama

Tired of her indolent society life, and satiated with attention from her butterfly admirers. Miss Vanderholt, at the death of her father, decides to go and manage the vast farm which is part of her inheritance. Joe Holcomb, the manager her...See moreTired of her indolent society life, and satiated with attention from her butterfly admirers. Miss Vanderholt, at the death of her father, decides to go and manage the vast farm which is part of her inheritance. Joe Holcomb, the manager her father has on the farm, receives the news of a lady-manager with doubt and misgivings, and reluctantly obeys the order to meet her at the train. Miss Vanderholt arrives at the station and waits impatiently while Joe drives leisurely along the road. When Joe does arrive, she attempts her first lesson in discipline, which results in Joe almost leaving the station without her. Gallantry on the farm is not that of New York, and her look at Joe when he allowed her to alight unaided from the buggy was withering. Customs also differ here, and she is rudely aroused at 5 a.m. by Bridget, the cook, and her inquiry as to the cause is met by Bridget's curt rejoinder, "the foreman is waitin' for orders, mam." Breakfast over. Miss Vanderholt is shown over the grounds. She is girlish and naive and the little chicks do look so cute, but the nasty old hen flies at her and she has to beat a hasty retreat to Joe; dignity was almost destroyed. One lesson did not suffice, so she must take a fancy to a little pig and carry it to the house. Bridget promptly refused to shampoo the porker, and quits on the spot. Harvest hands are usually hungry, and when no dinner was forthcoming, Joe hands Miss Vanderholt the cook book with the curt command to "get busy." Though he is brusque and ungallant, Miss Vanderholt likes him, and she now pitches in and tries cooking with not a little success. His faint praise pleases her, and next day, donning overalls, she helps in the hay field. Realizing the beauty of usefulness, she rides home on the hay rack in the glow of the sunset. A letter from Count Julien, an old flame of hers, arrives, telling of his hopes of their marriage in the near future. Annoyed, she tears the note up, but the servant pieces it together and shows it to Joe. Joe fails to take her to the Husking Bee that night and the next morning she determines to return home. A cold handshake is their only sign at parting. Miss Vanderholt, with breaking heart, realizes he has conquered her spirit and slowly she returns. She forces Joe's arms about her in complete surrender. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Sep 3, 1913

Release date
Sep 3, 1913 (United States)


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Name Known for
Jeanie Macpherson
Miss Vanderholt Miss Vanderholt   See fewer
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