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  • A Fly Time (1912)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
A Fly Time (1912)
Short | Short, Comedy

Flies were thick in Hughesville, but all the flies in the world could not blight the love of Jerry Jenks and Barry Banks for Nellie Nelson. They followed her everywhere. Every man in Hughesville had money bet on one or the other of the ...See moreFlies were thick in Hughesville, but all the flies in the world could not blight the love of Jerry Jenks and Barry Banks for Nellie Nelson. They followed her everywhere. Every man in Hughesville had money bet on one or the other of the boys, but nobody ever suspected that flies would figure in the race. The Board of Health and the "Daily Bugle" put up $100 as prize money to the citizen who would capture the greatest number of flies (dead or alive) within a month. This move was made with a view to exterminating the pest. Nellie's father approved of the movement so much that he offered to throw his daughter in with the prize money and give her to the greatest fly swatter. Barry and Jerry get on the job immediately. Each gathered all his friends, armed them with "swatters," traps, sugar, fly paper, and other deadly weapons. The two gangs proceeded to swat right and left, anywhere a fly appeared he was swatted. Of course, whatever the fly was on, was also swatted. Sometimes a bald head, sometimes a pane of glass. Butcher shops were raided. Restaurants dismantled, picnics broken up by the two armies of swatters, who at last met on a corner. Then the "swatters" grew to such proportions that the police department was obliged to interfere. Barry and Jerry, however, escaped arrest. Barry ran to Jerry's house, and, knowing that Jerry had some flies in captivity, broke in with the idea of stealing them. But Jerry caught him and, before the two had settled matters, both were covered with flies and fly papers. When all were counted, it was found that the contest was a tie. Jerry and Barry had exactly 1,478,564 flies each. Both boys rushed to Nell with their bags of flies, but she does not know which has the right to claim her. She decides to "leave it to father;" so she takes the boys out into the garden where father is indulging in a blissful nap. But there was just one fly left in Hughesville, and it was now skating around on father's bald head. Swat! Swat! Both boys swatted at once. When father calmed down both boys were in full flight and Nellie is still "unwon." Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Aug 9, 1912

Release date
Aug 9, 1912 (United States)


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