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ITV Sunday Night Theatre

Faith and Henry (Season 2, Episode 14)
TV Episode | 52 min | Drama

After the last science lesson of the day at Rivington High School, in St Helens, Lancashire, a young black girl, Faith is joined by a white fellow school pupil, Henry. They strike up a conversation about what they are doing for the evening...See moreAfter the last science lesson of the day at Rivington High School, in St Helens, Lancashire, a young black girl, Faith is joined by a white fellow school pupil, Henry. They strike up a conversation about what they are doing for the evening. Henry persuades Faith to forgo the bus and walk it home instead. They nip to the local shop where Henry picks up his usual weekly order of Lancashire cheese for his family, mum, dad and 3 brothers. What follows is a gentle 1960's ever so innocent multi-racial friendship that was unusual in 1960's St. Helens. They walk around the Sankey canal, get teased by other children with one shouting 'Henry's got a girlfriend' to which Henry comically chases after them before giving up. They climb a local hill where you can see the Welsh hills, Widnes and Bold power station. Henry recites a poem and every feels every so quaint, especially for the industrial north. They return home... new friendships formed. Written by Frank Roby See less
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Edit Released
Updated Dec 6, 1969

Release date
Dec 6, 1969 (United Kingdom)


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