On the Altar of Love's primary photo
  • On the Altar of Love (1915)
  • Short | Short, Drama
Primary photo for On the Altar of Love
On the Altar of Love (1915)
Short | Short, Drama

Spurred on by her practical father's cold cynicism and an overmastering ambition to succeed in art, after a quarrel with her sweetheart Gerald Lynn, Margaret Dare leaves the farm and comes to the city to study painting. At the art school ...See moreSpurred on by her practical father's cold cynicism and an overmastering ambition to succeed in art, after a quarrel with her sweetheart Gerald Lynn, Margaret Dare leaves the farm and comes to the city to study painting. At the art school she is astonished to meet Gerald, who has also come to the city to complete his studies in the same profession. They become the best of friends, but pride prevents Gerald from speaking of love to her. They have studios in the same building, and when hard times come, both secure positions as restaurant cashiers, each working alternately morning and afternoon. In this way they can earn enough to live on and still continue their painting in spare time. A small fortune in prize money is offered by the Society for the Advancement of Art for the best painting submitted and both Gerald and Margaret decide to compete for it, after agreeing not to show each other their pictures until the day before the contest closes, Gerald's eyes begin to bother him, and he does not see that his painting is getting all out of proportion, but an old musician living in the house does and tells Margaret. Gerald finishes what he thinks is his masterpiece, and shortly afterwards goes blind. When Margaret sees the picture, she realizes its hopelessness at once; pity brings out all the love in her heart for Gerald and she impulsively substitutes her own painting in place of the one he produced and signs his name to it. Her picture wins the prize and Gerald becomes famous almost overnight. Not knowing of her sacrifice and that she is responsible for it all, he forgets her temporarily. Brokenhearted, she returns home to endure the ridicule of the villagers. Gerald's sight is gradually restored and he then learns from the old musician of the substitution. He hastens to Margaret, tells her he knows all, and when he asks her to be his wife, she knows that in place of the laurel wreath she had sacrificed on the altar of love, she now has a rose garland of happiness. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Feb 11, 1915

Release date
Feb 11, 1915 (United States)


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