Miss Raffles's primary photo
  • Miss Raffles (1914)
  • Short | Short, Comedy, Drama
Primary photo for Miss Raffles
Miss Raffles (1914)
Short | Short, Comedy, Drama

On account of an urgent business call, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie hurriedly close their summer home at Hudsoncliff and leave with their daughter, Jane, for the city. Bob, their son, decides to visit his parents at Hudsoncliff with his friend, ...See moreOn account of an urgent business call, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie hurriedly close their summer home at Hudsoncliff and leave with their daughter, Jane, for the city. Bob, their son, decides to visit his parents at Hudsoncliff with his friend, Ralph Lyons. Bob and Ralph find the house locked up and, after some reconnoitering, enter through a window. Ralph hurts his ankle and is unable to attend a dance that evening, so Bob goes instead. Jane, on her arrival in the city, finds she has left her necklace in the safe at their summer home, and leaves a note for her mother, saying she is going back for it. Her parents decide to follow her. Jane has forgotten the key of the house, and climbs in a window. In doing so, she knocks over a chair, which Ralph hears. Thinking burglars are trying to break in, he takes Bob's gun and goes cautiously downstairs. He sees Jane kneeling by the safe, and after partly disguising himself, steps up behind her with the peremptory command, "Hands up!" While she is explaining her presence there Bob returns from the dance and sees them through the portieres. Believing both to be burglars, he excitedly rushes out and returns with a policeman and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, whom he has met on the way. With drawn revolver, the policeman, followed by Bob and his parents, enter the house, where, to their astonishment, they find the two "robbers" sitting on the sofa, talking and apparently quite at their ease. Ordered to throw up their hands, both start with surprise and then burst into laughter. After introductions and explanations, all join in the fun, the police are dismissed and all are soon the best of friends. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Mrs. Tom Coleman (scenario)

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Edit Released
Updated Jun 1, 1914

Release date
Jun 1, 1914 (United States)


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