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  • Some Duel (1915)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for Some Duel
Some Duel (1915)
Short | Short, Comedy

Mike Dugan, a sturdy bricklayer, and a good union man, loves Flora, but owing to the existence of a rival in Hughie, the barber, she tries to divide her attentions equally. Kate is also in love with Hughie, which causes much jealousy and ...See moreMike Dugan, a sturdy bricklayer, and a good union man, loves Flora, but owing to the existence of a rival in Hughie, the barber, she tries to divide her attentions equally. Kate is also in love with Hughie, which causes much jealousy and bickering. Finally Mike challenges Hughie to a duel out in Winter's Woods. Flora and Kate, learning of this secretly determine to be on hand to protect Hughie from harm. Hughie arrives on the battle ground armed with a razor in each hand, while Mike prepares to defend his honor with "Irish confetti," otherwise bricks. Kate and Flora conceal themselves behind a nearby rock, catching the two men circling like a couple of roosters. Mike hurls a brick, Hughie dodges and it hits Flora. She promptly accuses Kate of having struck her and the two women are soon putting up a scrap worth watching. They get mixed up with Hughie and Mike, and a mis-directed blow from Kate's rolling pin strikes Hughie on the head just as Flora's hatpin reaches another vital spot in his anatomy. With a howl of anguish Hughie runs for dear life. Kate follows and does the Good Samaritan act. Hughie's arm steals around her waist and with a happy sigh she nestles on his ample bosom, while Flora faints, first making sure Mike is nearby to catch her. So the Duel ends up in a Dual wedding. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jul 30, 1915

Release date
Jul 30, 1915 (United States)


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