Yoo Hoo, Mr. Palace Guard's primary photo
  • Breaker High Yoo Hoo, Mr. Palace Guard (Season 1, Episode 22)
  • TV-Y7
    TV Episode | Comedy

Breaker High

Yoo Hoo, Mr. Palace Guard (Season 1, Episode 22)
TV Episode | Comedy

In England, Jimmy and Sean get into their fifth international incident which leads to them being confined to the ship. They still manage to visit Buckingham Palace thanks to some nuns but yet again they get into trouble when they tempt a ...See moreIn England, Jimmy and Sean get into their fifth international incident which leads to them being confined to the ship. They still manage to visit Buckingham Palace thanks to some nuns but yet again they get into trouble when they tempt a palace guard with a Yoo Hoo chocolate drink which leads to Jimmy having to impersonate a palace guard. Denise meets up with former rival, Alvin Fink in an Oxford competition and appreciates Tamira for her contributions. Written by GusF See less
Read more: Plot summary
Robert L. Baird (staff writer) | Erik Mintz | Kelly Senecal (staff writer)
Shuki Levy | Ian Christian Nickus (original music by) | Haim Saban (as Kussa Mahchi)
Edit Released
Updated Nov 4, 1997

Release date
Nov 4, 1997 (United States)


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