The Two Doctors's primary photo
  • The Two Doctors (1914)
  • Short | Short, Drama
Primary photo for The Two Doctors
The Two Doctors (1914)
Short | Short, Drama

Henry Martin and Bob Westerly studied together at the same medical college, or better, they were both at the same medical college, for whereas Martin threw himself into his work with a devotion that brought upon him the opprobrious ...See moreHenry Martin and Bob Westerly studied together at the same medical college, or better, they were both at the same medical college, for whereas Martin threw himself into his work with a devotion that brought upon him the opprobrious nickname of "Grind." Westerly was entirely too fond of a good time ever to let his studies interfere with having one. As a result, it occasionally happened that Westerly found it difficult to keep his work up to the level of that of the rest of the class. On one such occasion, he entered Martin's room and attempted to steal Martin's laboriously-prepared notes on an important thesis. Martin came in while he was at work, and caught him. Instead of reporting Westerly to the Dean, as he should have done, however, he contented himself with ordering Westerly contemptuously from the room. Years later, Martin had a modest little practice in the heart of the country. Westerly had settled in the city. Through methods which were as unscrupulous as they were unprofessional, he had become successful and rich. Alice, a poor shop girl, nervously broken down as a result of hard work, was given a fair example of Westerly's methods when she went to him for treatment. Westerly quite coldly and simply refused to see her unless she paid in advance, and when her money was all gone, told her that he was not in business for love. Through the generosity of her friends. Alice was sent into the country. As luck would have it, she came to the village in which Dr. Martin lived. The doctor immediately took the girl under his care. Thanks to his treatment, and to the kindness of the people of the countryside, she was soon completely cured. When Dr. Westerly's health broke down, he went on a shooting trip to recuperate. While hunting in the woods, he accidentally shot himself in the arm. His guide helped him to Dr. Martin's. Martin's first and natural impulse was to refuse to treat his old enemy, but the man's pitiful condition left him no alternative. But when he called in Alice to act as a nurse, and she recognized Westerly as the man who had taken all her money, and then brutally dismissed her, it was almost too much for the doctor's forbearance. However, the two repaid Westerly good for evil by nursing him back to health and strength. But when the grateful and remorseful patient offered to set Martin up in a lucrative city practice, Martin refused with thanks and Alice kissed him. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Charles M. Seay (story)

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Edit Released
Updated Jul 14, 1914

Release date
Jul 14, 1914 (United States)


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