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  • And He Came Straight Home (1915)
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Primary photo for And He Came Straight Home
And He Came Straight Home (1915)
Short | Short

Jones, a middle-aged businessman, arrives at his home at 2 in the morning, intoxicated. His wife meets him on the porch and Jones begins to explain. The scene fades and the picture tells Jones' story. Jones started home from the office ...See moreJones, a middle-aged businessman, arrives at his home at 2 in the morning, intoxicated. His wife meets him on the porch and Jones begins to explain. The scene fades and the picture tells Jones' story. Jones started home from the office perfectly sober; a mishap made him decide to walk home. On his way he passed the wall of the cemetery from which there sprouted a puff of smoke and from which there dissolved in a little old man who bid him follow, and who led Jones through the wall, along the uncanny paths of the burying ground and to a tomb. Jones grew nervous, but the little man led him through the stone wall of the tomb. Inside Jones found three mummy cases, one of which, the old man said, contained the remains of a queen of Egypt, the second, the emperor, her terrible husband, and the third, apparently a child. The old man touched the case which opened and revealed the beautiful queen. At the same time the little man dissolved into the Devil. The queen came to life and complained that she had not eaten for 5,000 years, and Jones gallantly invited her out to dinner. The Devil procured a taxi from thin air and while Jones and the queen were busy in the restaurant the Devil, with malice aforethought, returned to the tomb and hurried the angry emperor to the restaurant. Jones, in the midst of the revelry, turns for the waiter to find the irate emperor awaiting him with a four-foot knife. Jones flees, the emperor giving chase and the queen and devil following along behind. The emperor overtakes Jones about where Jones first met the little man and drags him bodily through the wall and into the tomb. He motions to the small coffin, which falls over, and the emperor places Jones thereon and prepares to chop his head off. The queen, who is smitten with Jones, snatches the devil's wand, changes him into smoke, with a wave replaces the emperor in his coffin and after bidding Jones a farewell, passes the wand over herself and instantly appears as Jones first saw her. Jones is too alarmed for much formality, but after sneaking up on the emperor's coffin and closing the doors with a bang, he "beats it" and the tale dissolves as he flees in the distance. Jones' wife stands eyeing him suspiciously as Jones finishes his tale with a sub-title, "And then I hurried right home." Mrs. Jones takes just one wallop at her husband and the last we see of her she is slamming the door. Jones lands in a mud puddle in which he places his fat preparatory to a night in the open, vowing never to tell the truth again. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Nov 2, 1915

Release date
Nov 2, 1915 (United States)


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