Why Men Pay for It's primary photo
  • Why Men Pay for It (2004)
  • TV Movie | 52 min | Documentary
Why Men Pay for It (2004)
TV Movie | 52 min | Documentary

So often when prostitution is looked at, one group remains largely invisible - the male clients who generate 99% of the business. 'Why Men Pay For It' breaks through this barrier and asks - who are these men, and why do they do it? The ...See moreSo often when prostitution is looked at, one group remains largely invisible - the male clients who generate 99% of the business. 'Why Men Pay For It' breaks through this barrier and asks - who are these men, and why do they do it? The setting is contemporary Australia - the themes are universal. The film enters into an intimate conversation with a diverse group of men whose candour is, at times, breathtaking. Their stories have the capacity to make you laugh, cry, perhaps even get angry. This is a layered film on a difficult and, up till now, elusive subject. See less
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Release date
May 28, 2004 (Australia)


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