Hide and Seek's primary photo
  • Hide and Seek (1912)
  • Short | Drama, Short
Primary photo for Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek (1912)
Short | Drama, Short

Jack Porter, a telegraph operator, sells his country property for $10,000 during a land boom. The real estate agent in a neighboring town sends the money by a clerk named Clarkson. Smith, the express agent, directs Clarkson to Porter's ...See moreJack Porter, a telegraph operator, sells his country property for $10,000 during a land boom. The real estate agent in a neighboring town sends the money by a clerk named Clarkson. Smith, the express agent, directs Clarkson to Porter's home after learning his mission. Clarkson has an overpowering desire to steal the money, and Smith also is tempted. The two men discover each other's thoughts and plan to work together. That evening while Porter is away, they enter the house. Mrs. Porter is playing hide and seek with her little girl, and is seated in a chair, blindfolded. The baby is hiding. The mother is gagged and tied to a chair and the men search the house for the money. When they have left the room the child comes forth, pulls the gag from her mother's mouth and holds the 'phone to her lips so she can telephone. Porter gets the message and races home. Not finding the money the thieves come back to Mrs. Porter and are threatening her with violence if she does not reveal the hiding place when Porter enters with the police, and after a sharp fight the men are arrested. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Mar 20, 1912

Release date
Mar 20, 1912 (United States)


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