Mixed Identities's primary photo
  • Mixed Identities (1912)
  • Short | Drama, Short
Primary photo for Mixed Identities
Mixed Identities (1912)
Short | Drama, Short

On the outskirts of the village live siblings Tom and Ethel Brandon. Tom is going to town to spend the evening at his club. The two servants also go out to spend the evening, leaving Ethel alone. Tom has told her that he will be back at 11...See moreOn the outskirts of the village live siblings Tom and Ethel Brandon. Tom is going to town to spend the evening at his club. The two servants also go out to spend the evening, leaving Ethel alone. Tom has told her that he will be back at 11:30. Ethel spends the evening reading. At 11:00 she picks up the paper and reads an account of a burglar who has been breaking into houses in the village. She goes to the window, pulls down the shades. The paper describes the robber as being tall, good looking and quite gentlemanly appearing. Tom is at the club playing billiards. Bob Gordon, an old friend of Tom's whom he has not seen for several years, enters and Tom invites Bob to visit him. Bob consents. As he has been traveling all day he is quite tired, and Tom tells him to go on up to the house and he will follow shortly. Ethel hears the front door unlock and picks up an old sword and an old pistol, which are need as wall ornaments and, with assumed bravado, faces the door. Bob enters, advances toward her and, she, much afraid, backs away, dropping the weapons as she does so. She mistakes him for the robber, as she has never met Bob before, and he looks very much like the man described in the papers. Ethel goes to the dining-room to get him something to eat, as she is going to try and detain him until Tom arrives. While she is out of the room he picks up the paper and be sees the article she has been reading. He catches on at once, and decides to play it out until Tom arrives. Ethel enters with the lunch. He eats. Ethel sits and talks with him and decides to give him some silver and jewelry. She goes to the dining-room and filling a tablecloth with stuff takes it to him. She hears Tom at the front door and fearing that Tom will be killed by "the burglar," she bustles him out of the window, just as Tom enters. Tom asks her where Bob is, and she tells him that she had seen no one. Just then the bell rings. Tom goes to the door and a policeman enters with Bob. Tom explains everything and at the end we learn that Bob is in love with Ethel. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated May 18, 1912

Release date
May 18, 1912 (United States)


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3 cast members
Name Known for
Henry B. Walthall
Bob Gordon - The Burglar Bob Gordon - The Burglar   See fewer
Jane Fearnley
Ethel Brandon Ethel Brandon   See fewer
James Cooley
Tom Brandon - Ethel's Brother Tom Brandon - Ethel's Brother   See fewer
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