Romance at Random's primary photo
  • Romance at Random (1916)
  • Short | 10 min | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for Romance at Random
Romance at Random (1916)
Short | 10 min | Short, Comedy

As fastidious dresser Arthur Botts is lounging in a park one day, his attention is attracted by a well-dressed woman who has the air of a woman in the best circumstances. She steps from an automobile and starts along the walk. Arthur ...See moreAs fastidious dresser Arthur Botts is lounging in a park one day, his attention is attracted by a well-dressed woman who has the air of a woman in the best circumstances. She steps from an automobile and starts along the walk. Arthur becomes interested, and follows her. The woman appears to be faint, and Arthur, hurrying to her side, offers his services. The woman accepts his escort and Arthur goes home with her. Upon arrival at the house, Arthur starts to leave and the woman asks him if he knows the number of the house and the street where they are. She tells him that if he will promise not to try to discover either, she will offer him a glass of wine for his kindness. Arthur gladly consents and the two enter the house. The woman appears to regret her action in bringing him in, and shows him a letter from an attorney stating that she has no legal grounds to get a divorce from her husband, but if she can make him believe there is another man in the case, he will take action against his wife. Arthur then learns that his companion is married and bitterly upbraids her for using him as a cat's-paw. The woman appears to relent for using Arthur and urges him to hurry away, and states that her husband is likely to hurt him if he finds another man in the house. This appeals to Arthur's vanity and he says that he has never deserted a woman in distress and promises to aid her in any way possible. The woman leaves the room and Arthur is left to his thoughts. While seated near a table, he picks up an album and idly looks through it. The book is devoted to pictures of one Tom Sullivan, prizefight promoter, and pictures of prize fighters he has trained. Sullivan's picture is of a strong man, and Arthur begins to feel pangs of uneasiness. When the woman returns Arthur suggests it would be a good plan for him to "run along." But before he can leave someone comes in the front door. The wife says it is her husband and Arthur nearly collapses. The husband comes to the door and Arthur, hastily grabbing a weapon, prepares to defend his life. Sullivan comes in. He is a small, sickly man, about four feet tall, and he looks from his wife to Arthur inquiringly. The woman runs to him and pleads with him to keep his temper. Arthur looks at the man with blank surprise and drops his weapon. Seeing how small the man is, Arthur swaggers up to him and tells him he is a friend of his wife's. Sullivan greets him with a smile and invites him to make himself at home. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jun 18, 1916

Release date
Jun 18, 1916 (United States)


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