Johnny's Birthday's primary photo
  • Johnny's Birthday (1916)
  • Short | Comedy, Short
Primary photo for Johnny's Birthday
Johnny's Birthday (1916)
Short | Comedy, Short

It is Johnny's birthday and his sweetheart, Carol, is giving a party in his honor. Johnny drops in at the club, en route to Carol's home to have "just one little drink." He breaks away a dozen times, but always is induced to return to have...See moreIt is Johnny's birthday and his sweetheart, Carol, is giving a party in his honor. Johnny drops in at the club, en route to Carol's home to have "just one little drink." He breaks away a dozen times, but always is induced to return to have just one more, until at last Johnny and his friends are sadly the worse for alcoholic wear and tear. He musters his army of friends and insists that they accompany him to visit "the sweetest girl in all the world." Outside is a string of taxis, which Johnny has ordered one at a time on the occasion of his various efforts to break away. His friends climb in and the procession moves off. Johnny's car bumps into a motorman, who is saloonward bound with a can in his hand. The motorman is piled with champagne and urged to attend the party, which he does. They arrive at Carol's several hours late. The family is horrified at Johnny's condition and Carol promptly returns his ring. Meanwhile the motorman takes a personal dislike to a dapper young man, who is paying an evening call, and throttles that individual and "climbs all over his frame." Johnny departs, weeping alcoholic tears on the bosoms of his sympathetic friends. He takes the motorman with him to his home. Next morning he is so sorry for the poor working man who must be on the job at 6:30 that he decides to substitute himself in the motorman's place and let the poor fellow sleep. Donning the motorman's clothes, Johnny sallies forth. He drives the streetcar madly down the street. Injecting thrills of all sorts into his passengers and open-mouthed pedestrians who watch the flight of the wildly careening car. Carol signals the car to stop. She and a minister step aboard, then Johnny sees his chance. Locking all the doors, he throws on full speed ahead and vows he will not touch a brake until Carol consents to marry him. She is not altogether unwilling and at length accepts, and there, in the speeding streetcar, the minister ties the knot. By this time the motorman has "slept it off" and he arrives and resumes his job without penalty, for Johnny's father is president of the street railway. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jan 19, 1916

Release date
Jan 19, 1916 (United States)


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