A Burlesque Highway Robbery in 'Gay Paree''s primary photo
  • A Burlesque Highway Robbery in 'Gay Paree' (1904)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
A Burlesque Highway Robbery in 'Gay Paree' (1904)
Short | Short, Comedy

A traveler is lost in the streets of Paris. Finally discovering where he is, he walks hurriedly away, but is accosted by a beggar, who has lost both feet and is crawling along the ground. Annoyed, he turns away, only to be met by another ...See moreA traveler is lost in the streets of Paris. Finally discovering where he is, he walks hurriedly away, but is accosted by a beggar, who has lost both feet and is crawling along the ground. Annoyed, he turns away, only to be met by another beggar similarly afflicted. Every way he turns he finds someone in his path, until he is surrounded by a bunch of hungry beggars, who, when feeling safe that the gendarmes are not near, rise to their feet and proceed to strip the traveler of his clothes. It is plain to be seen that the beggars are by no means cripples and that their deformity is only a sham to provoke pity of the passer-by. After robbing the man of all he had, one of the fellows places a bucket over his head and jams it down so tight that he cannot remove it, and one and all dance away, leaving our traveler alone. A number of female students pass by and are frightened by the man's antics. Finally he removes the bucket from his head, and at the same time the gendarmes make their appearance, but he is in such rage that he throws them to the ground, thinking they are his persecutors. They finally land him, and he is marched to the lock-up. This is comical and exciting. Written by Lubin Catalog See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jan 16, 1904

Release date
Jan 16, 1904 (United States)


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