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  • The Shaughraun (1907)
  • Short | Short, Drama
The Shaughraun (1907)
Short | Short, Drama

Con (The Shaugraun) a good-natured, good-hearted but idle fellow is in love with Moya, an Irish peasant girl. At the castle the villain is endeavoring to make love to "Claire of the Castle," but his efforts are in vain and he leaves. His ...See moreCon (The Shaugraun) a good-natured, good-hearted but idle fellow is in love with Moya, an Irish peasant girl. At the castle the villain is endeavoring to make love to "Claire of the Castle," but his efforts are in vain and he leaves. His associate (Danny Mann) tries to kiss Moya, but the timely arrival of Con with his club puts an end to his love-making. As Con and Moya depart Claire's lover arrives and their "spooning" is spied upon by Danny who imparts the information to the villain. The lover departs and is followed through the woods by Danny, and his master; is set upon by the two rogues, knocked in the head and his body thrown off the cliffs into the lake. The villain dons his victim's cloak and with his follower returns to the Castle, gives the lover's signal. As Claire appears they seize her. and carry her off to the cave. Meanwhile; Con calls at the cottage for Moya, they go fishing, see the lover in the water, rescue and revive him. Con runs for help but is arrested and put in prison through the scheming of Danny. Moya visits the prisoner, bringing food and concealing inside a loaf of bread a file with which Con frees himself from his chains. The spy warns the sentry of the probable escape of the prisoner, gives the signal and then visits Con, tells him that he is his friend and will help him to escape, A rope is given Con by which he can lower him.self after giving the signal arid then Danny departs. At the appointed time the signal is given, but the prisoner, fearing treachery, does not expose his person and thereby escapes the sentry's fire. Con then lowers himself from the tower, knocks the sentry and Danny down, and with Moya's aid makes good his escape. The guards are in close pursuit and Con climbs a tree, while Moya points the direction taken by the fugitive. The keepers run on, but Danny remains, making love to Moya. Suddenly Con jumps from the tree on his adversary's shoulders, beats him soundly, disguises himself in Danny's clothes and with his sweetheart goes to rescue Claire. At the cave the disguise is not penetrated. Moya unseen frees Claire of her bonds, just as the real Danny rushes in. Con discards his disguise, Claire's lover appears, and together they rescue the two women. Across a narrow plank over the lake they pass, removing the same when safely over. Other obstacles are encountered and overcome until finally the castle is reached. Below merriment prevails, the peasants dancing while from above, Claire, her lover and mother scatter silver upon the peasants. They scramble for it and Danny, the spy, who has been watching, slinks in to get a share. Con and the peasants recognize the intruder and proceed to deal out a well-merited punishment. Written by Views and Film Index (January 11, 1908) See less
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Edit Released
Updated Aug 20, 1907

Release date
Aug 20, 1907 (United States)


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