Der Rausschmeißer's primary photo
  • Der Rausschmeißer (1990)
  • 96 min | Crime
Der Rausschmeißer (1990)
96 min | Crime

Frieder is a heavyweight - strong and terrifying. He is working as a bouncer in a shady bar. He has the mind of 8 year old. Fanny is a prostitute who knows every trick in the book but is only seventeen. To mess with her pimps, she promises...See moreFrieder is a heavyweight - strong and terrifying. He is working as a bouncer in a shady bar. He has the mind of 8 year old. Fanny is a prostitute who knows every trick in the book but is only seventeen. To mess with her pimps, she promises Frieder a hot night if he roughs them up. Frieder keeps his promise, Fanny does too. This starts a fateful night for both of them. Written by LightningVideo See less
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